Packaging engineers at PackTech Solutions offer a wide range of solution-focused services related to the packaging industry.

Including design, purchasing, materials, supply chain logistics, marketing, technical, production, engineering, quality management, the environment—our aim always focuses on quality and cost saving. Unless you’re a packaging expert or have the right qualifications, chances are your bottom line is being affected by your packaging decisions.

Let our packaging engineers work with you to identify solutions you hadn’t even considered.

Problem Solving

Small problems can lead to bigger problems in the blink of an eye.

A package that leaks or splits or is damaged en-route to the client may require an expensive recall of product. The solution could be in the material, the production line or the supply chain. Where do you start? Our packaging engineer offers you a systematic, experienced approach to help you get to the bottom of the problem quickly. Often it is just a small problem with machine tension or identifying an adjustment in material that will make an immense difference.

Packtech Solutions’ problem solving includes:

  • Respecting client, staff and/or supplier
  • Standardising packaging to save costs
  • Advising in material selection
  • Sourcing suppliers
  • Creating packaging specifications
  • Auditing packaging suppliers
  • Rationalising packaging to simplify operations
  • Assessing supply chain challenges
  • Ensuring shipping efficiency to save costs and prevent damage

Cost Saving

Protect your bottom line with packaging engineers who locate the heart of the problem.

Our happiest clients are those who call on our packaging engineers to fix what appears to be a small problem; only for PackTech to identify a larger unrecognised problem which, upon advice from our engineers, leads to massive cost savings for our clients. Rationalising packaging for merging or growing companies frequently yields great savings. When did you last take thorough stock of your packaging budget to determine if you can pack more economically? A small investment in an objective, packaging engineer with great global networks could save you big time, long term!

Cost consideration with which we can help you:

  • Analyse overall capacity to save on packaging
  • Rationalise packaging to simplify operations and save you costs
  • Problem solve, big or small
  • Production line issues affecting packaging
  • Supply chain impact on packaging, including cost of damage and inefficient packaging
  • Design new packs with the end in mind saving many dollars
  • Check feasibility of a returnable/reusable handling system
  • Assess circular economy capacity

Contact us today to see how we can help you.

Packaging Design Solutions/ Development

Ask for help from the outset.

At PackTech, we’re passionate about design from the ‘cradle to the grave’. We will walk you through the whole process and assist you to design with the end in mind. Clients who have invested in this expert advice from our packaging engineers at the start take off and grow comfortably, having already chartered their path.

Considerations to make when designing a pack:

  • Maximise impact of end product
  • Contemplate market trends
  • Problem solve, big or small
  • Consider sustainability and the environment
  • Employ effective supply chain
  • Re-design, correct weak or poor designs
  • Perform fragility assessments during design phase
  • Create prototypes
  • Maximise product protection
  • Advise on over packing
  • Advise on legal specifications
  • Design with the end in mind


Your packaging may be produced overseas.

Do you have the packaging science knowledge to be confident that your packaging supplier is giving you a reliable, economical product that will transport and sell your product well? Our packaging engineering service includes a visit to the plant alongside the supplier and your staff member followed by a comprehensive report detailing the quality of the location, the packaging supplier and product. You may consider such an investment in auditing too expensive. Have you considered the cost to you if your packaging lets you down in the market place?

Considerations to make when employing a supplier:

  • Assess, monitor and implement quality standards
  • Arrange testing of packaging in labs before large orders are placed
  • Ensure packaging quality meets Australian and global standards